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Tratamientos Odontológicos​

Dental Implants
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An implant is a type of screw that fuses with the mandibular bone, providing a stable support for artificial teeth. The prostheses and the bridges placed on the implants do not slide or run in the mouth, which is an especially important advantage for chewing and speech. This adaptation helps make prostheses and bridges (as well as individual crowns placed on implants) feel more natural than conventional ones.

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A crown is an element that is used to completely cover a destroyed tooth and/or to improve the appearance, shape or alignment of the tooth. It can also be placed on an implant to achieve the shape and functional structure of a tooth. You should not worry, since it is possible to match the color of porcelain or ceramic crowns with that of your natural teeth. Other materials used include gold and metal, acrylic and ceramic alloys. In addition to strengthening the damaged tooth, crowns can be used to improve the appearance, shape, alignment and occlusion of the tooth (bite).

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Dental prostheses are replacements of missing teeth. Its main feature is that they can be taken out and put back in the mouth. There are two main types of prostheses: partial and complete. Replacing the missing teeth will help improve the appearance and smile. Without denture support, facial muscles loosen, making the person look older. Dentures can help you eat and talk more comfortably.

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The smile design is the result of a set of procedures that are performed in order to establish a harmony between our facial features and our mouth (tooth and gum). Thus, at the end of a design treatment we will have spectacular smiles in appearance, functionality and durability. There are different types of smile design, depending on its complexity:

  • Diseño de sonrisa no invasivo: Normalmente es a través del blanqueamiento dental. Cuando el paciente tiene piezas dentales que no son naturales (coronas, etc.), usualmente deben ser cambiadas para que queden en armonía con el resto de la dentadura.
  • Ortodoncia: La ortodoncia es el conjunto de movimientos dentarios que se realizan para mejorar la estética, función y masticación de la boca. Es un proceso que toma algún tiempo y depende de la complejidad que presente el paciente en boca, para lograr la sonrisa adecuada.
  • Diseño de sonrisa con carillas: Las carillas dentales son una excelente alternativa para lograr tener la sonrisa armoniosa. Son finas láminas de porcelana, resina compuesta y/o cerámica, hechas a medida para fijarse alrededor del diente, proporcionando un aspecto natural y atractivo. Pueden usarse para arreglar dientes astillados, manchados, desalineados, gastados, disparejos o muy separados.
  • Diseño de sonrisa complejo: En este tipo de tratamiento participa un grupo interdisciplinario de especialistas como: periodoncista, rehabilitador oral, endodoncista y cirujano oral. Se deben realizar una serie de exámenes previos con el fin de determinar el tratamiento ideal para el paciente y el que más se adecúe a sus necesidades.
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What does it really mean to be well? A fashion outfit, impeccable makeup or beautiful hair are part of this. But nobody disputes that a pretty smile makes all the difference. Whitening is a non-invasive procedure by which the natural color of the tooth is changed, usually between five to seven shades whiter, to remove deep spots. This is achieved through a professional cleaning performed by the dentist or hygienist, who also uses an abrasive and some compounds to polish the teeth. Thus, it is possible to eliminate the most external stains caused by food and tobacco.

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Complex dental resin can be a quick, minimally invasive and economical option for the beautiful smile you are looking for. It is a cosmetic technique in which a type of dental material is given the shape of the tooth and molded over it, so that the smile looks more aligned and white. It can be used as a cosmetic solution for splintered teeth, separated teeth and stains.

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Gum disease is an inflammation of the gum line that can progress to affect the surrounding bone and supports the teeth. It usually consists of three stages: gingivitis, periodontitis and advanced periodontitis. Gum disease can be painless, but it is possible to recognize some symptoms such as:

  • Swollen, red, tender or bleeding gums
  • Gums that recede or detach from the mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Visible pus around teeth and gums
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The treatment to repair and save a severely damaged or infected tooth, rather than removing it. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp), cleaning and disinfecting it, and then filling and sealing it. The most common causes for this to occur are: cracked teeth, deep cavities, repeated dental treatments or traumas. The name of the treatment "root canal" (endodontics), comes from the cleaning of the channels inside the root of the tooth.

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Is the medical-surgical specialty that deals with the prevention, study, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of pathologies of the mouth, face and facial skull territory, as well as the cervical organs and structures related thereto. With oral surgery, various pathologies can be treated, such as: ATM, resection of salivary gland stones, dentoalveolar surgery, facial fractures, mouth cancer and extraction of wisdom teeth or judgment, among other things.

Orthodontic Treatments

Clarity Advanced (ceramic brackets)
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It is a new ceramic bracket of high aesthetics, small design and low profile for conventional bonding treatments. It has smooth and rounded surfaces and perfectly defined contours. Its main benefits are:

  • Greater contact surface allowing better bonding
  • Improved design at the base for better attachment to the tooth
  • Better adhesion, does not damage the tooth enamel
  • Easy to remove
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It is an almost invisible orthodontic treatment that works without braces and without wires and that fits perfectly to the bite. Its main benefits are:

  • It is much more comfortable to use and has better fit
  • It can reduce the treatment time by up to 50%
  • Because it can be removed it facilitates the cleaning process
  • It does not produce pain or any kind of discomfort
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At ORTHODOS buscamos siempre los mejores y más avanzados tratamientos para nuestros pacientes. Sin embargo, nunca dejamos atrás aquellas técnicas que han funcionado bien durante mucho tiempo. Por eso, usted podrá acceder a otros tratamientos de ortodoncia tradicional como son el Roth, MBT y el autoligado.

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